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Catechism philology

Terms or phrases from the Catechism of the Catholic Church the editors wanted to make sure you knew in Hebrew [Hb], Greek [Gk] or Latin [Lt].
Aeiparthenos - [Gk] the "Ever-virgin", title of Mary (CCC 499)
Akathist - [Gk] hymn of praise in the Eastern Liturgies (CCC 2678)
animi cruciatus - [Lt] (affliction of spirit) and compunctio cordis (repentance of heart) (CCC 1431)
auriga virtutum - [Lt] "the charioteer of the virtues"; i.e. Prudence (CCC 1806)
bara - [Hb] the verb "create" - always has God for its subject (CCC 290)
basileia - [Gk] can be translated by "kingship" but often translated Kingdom, as in "Kingdom [basileia] of God" (CCC 2816)
Dominicus character - [Lt] "the seal of the Lord" (on us) (CCC 1274)
Ecclesia domestica - [Lt] "the domestic church" i.e. the family (CCC 1656)
epiousios - [Gk] (epi-ousios) "super-essential"; translated as "daily" in the Lord's Prayer. The Catechism points out it is a hapax legomenon of scripture (CCC 2837)
ex opere operato - [Lt] literally: "by the very fact of the action's being performed" how sacraments work, i.e. they are effective as long as they are performed in accordance with the intention of the Church (CCC 1128)
fomes peccati - [Lt] "the tinder for sin", concupiscence (CCC 1264)
he kuriake hemera [Gk], dies dominica [Lt] - "the Lord's Day" (CCC 2174)
hodigitria [Gk] "[one who] shows the way", title of Mary (CCC 2674)
Israelitica dignitas - [Lt] "worthy of the heritage of Israel" (CCC 528)
koinonia - [Gk] "communion" of the Holy Spirit (CCC 948)
Kyriake - [Gk] "what belongs to the Lord"; it is where English gets the word Church from (CCC 751)
Kyrios [Gk] or Adonai [Hb] "LORD" (CCC 209)
lectio divina - [Lt] where the Word of God is so read and meditated that it becomes prayer (CCC 1177)
lex orandi, lex credendi - [Lt] The law of prayer is the law of faith: the Church believes as she prays.(CCC 1124)
Orans - [Lt] "pray-er"; "Mary is the perfect Orans" (CCC 2679)
Panagia - [Gk] "all holy" (with reference to the Holy Mother) (CCC 493)
pantocrator - [Gk] "all-mighty" LORD, omnipotent; used in the Septuagint in place of YHWH Sabaoth "Lord of Hosts" and for El Shaddai "God Almighty." and in the New Testament, once by Paul (2 Cor 6:18) and nine times in the Book of Revelation (CCC 2749)
parrhesia - [Gk] boldness to speak (to God); "we dare to say ... Our Father ..." (CCC 2778)
philokalia - [Gk] "love of beauty", used to describe true prayer (CCC 2727)
Protoevangelium - [Lt] "first gospel" found in Genesis; God's prophecy of the downfall of evil by the hand of a Son of Eve (CCC 410)
ruah - [Hb] "Spirit" in its primary sense, means breath, air, wind (CCC 691)
sanctorum communio - [Lt] communion of the saints (CCC 953)
sensus fidei/sensus fidelium - [Lt] sense of the faith/sense of the faithful; roughly quoting Lumen Gentium "when, from the bishops to the last of the faithful, there manifests a universal consent in matters of faith and morals" (CCC 92)
sphragis - [Gk] the seal (of the Holy Spirit) (CCC 698)
synaxis - [Gk] the Eucharistic assembly (CCC 1329)
ta hagia - [Gk] "the holy things" a name of the Eucharist (CCC 1331)
taxeis - [Gk] or ordines [Lt] - governing/authoritative bodies, i.e. Holy Orders [N.B. I could only find references to taxeis as "battalions" online] (CCC 1537)
Theotokos - [Gk] "God bearer", title of Mary (CCC 495)
typos tou Patros - [Gk] like the living image of God the Father. said by St Ignatius of bishops (CCC 1549)


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